Current projects

Research Projects

Projects supported by industry partners

Semantics and Implementation of ACID properties in modern hardware [Gustavo Alonso]

SoftHier: Exploring Explicitly Managed Memory Hierarchy Architectures for Scalable Acceleration [Torsten Hoefler/Luca Benini]

Enlarged view: SoftHier project

The objective of SoftHier is to drastically reduce hardware inefficiency by replac-ing caches with software-managed, efficient SPMs and DMAs, while maintaining program-ming effort low for the application developer. This goal will be achieved thanks to: (i) An increased level of automation in the programming tool-flow; (ii) The use of domain-specific languages and abstractions; (iii) Hardware enhancements in the memory hierarchy that facilitate automatic instantiation of accelerated data-motion primitives from abstract, streamlined software APIs.

Key achievements:

  • Defined baseline template architecture for SoftHier, explored GEMM dataflow mapping, architecture design space, PPA
  • Developed a High-Level Simulation Model with Open-source release
  • PPA estimation for SoftHier Architecture

QuantSparse3D: A Stacked-Memory Multi-Chiplet inference Engine for Sparse, Quantized LLMs [Luca Benini]

LLM Agent Firewall [Srdjan Capkun]

Graph Computations and LLMs: A Synergy [Torsten Hoefler]

Unifying High-Performance Automated Differentiation for Machine Learning and Scientific Computing [Torsten Hoefler]

Processing-in-Memory Architectures for Data-Intensive Applications [Onur Mutlu]

Research Grants

Internal research projects supported by an EFCL grant

Student projects

Smaller projects based on pre-PhD research supported by an EFCL grant

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