EFCL Summer School

on Open Source IC Design and Computer Architectures

EFCL Summer School

The ETH Future Computing Laboratory (EFCL) in collaboration with ETH Zurich, University of Bologna, Politecnico Di Torino, University of California San Diego, Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics organized the

EFCL Summer School on Open Source IC Design and Computer Architectures

which took place from

Monday, June 3rd until Friday June 7th 2024

at the ETH Zurich, Electrical Engineering Department at Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Zurich (working address of Albert Einstein while he was at ETH Zurich) for five days of teaching activities for people that are interested in modern computer architectures, digital IC design, programming of heterogeneous systems and open source hardware.

Every day started with a keynote speech from renowned scientists (Yale Patt, Andrew Kahng, Luca Benini, Onur Mutlu, Lana Josipović).

The event included four parallel tracks

As well as a mixer activities that allowed participants from different tracks to discuss and present together. We rounded the school with social activities, dinner and more.  




Logos of partners

Organizing Committee:

Frank K. Gürkaynak (ETH Zürich)
Andrea Cossettini (ETH Zürich)